Budget 2012 is a manifestation of the prudent fiscal and macroeconomic policies of successive PPP/C governments

Dear Editor,

Following the presentation of the 2012 Budget in Parliament, I held the belief that this budget would have been embraced by all simply because it is a People’s Budget; one geared to improve the lot of the working people of this country. Instead the opposition has resorted to its typical practice of insular and dogmatic politics. The leader of the Opposition has called it a bail out budget; The AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan has expressed his disappointment with the budget without actually proffering any plausible reasons.

The combined opposition is in fact betraying the confidence that their supporters have placed in them under the new dispensation. Here a situation exists for the opposition to actually behave in a responsible manner and they have chosen to do the opposite.

The 2012 Budget has all the ingredients to ensure that Guyana’s Development is propelled even further.

At a time when the Global economy is in dire straits as a result of capitalist greed which has left in its wake poverty, loss of income, war torn economies and utter despair. Guyana on the other hand, was able to weather the storm and has seen an increase in Foreign Direct investments, regular wage increases, a housing boom and an attractive investment climate that has solidified her economic standing.

Budget 2012, put in its proper context is a manifestation of the prudent fiscal and macroeconomic policies of successive PPP/C governments where the economic and social standing of each citizen has undergone a vertical metamorphosis.

It is within this framework that every honest Guyanese ought to condemn certain politicians for their condescending and rather distasteful comments.



Attiya Baksh

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