Budget 2012 created after much consideration – PM

– urges opposition not to deny projects for the sake of opposing

As the 2012 National Budget debate continued on Wednesday, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds rebutted A Partnership for National Unity’s MP, Volda Lawrence’s claims that the budget estimates do not reflect good governance and improved social services.

Mr. Hinds, who noted that Government remains heartened at the progress the country has made in less than two decades of PPP/C rule, said that thus far the country has seen per capita GDP in nominal terms rising from US$300 in 1992, to US$2,870 at the end of 2011.

“Madam Speaker, with the trend we have achieved, of positive growth and development averaging 4.4 percent over the past five years, there is reasonableness in the call to remain on course,” he said.

The Prime Minister made a call for citizens to forsake anyone who may seek to dampen their spirits with accusations of Government discriminating and marginalising when it comes to development.

“The Government believes that everyone of us must make effort, strive, contribute so that altogether as a nation, we can prosper…Madam Speaker, many were loud and let their imagination run wild, being sure of corruption in their questioning about the Amaila falls Hydro project, the CJIA upgrade and the Mariott hotel project,” he said.

In the past, several speculations have surfaced by sections of the media, questioning the credibility of Government projects especially the latter. Mr. Hinds stated that while the assertions have been put to rest, all political parties should join forces to ensure the timely completion of the said projects.

He called on the Opposition to desist from opposing projects, only for the sake of opposing and for naysayers to be mature enough to be vocal with respect to findings, after perusing documents presented to them upon request.

Responding to arguments with respect to electricity subsidy, the Prime Minister stated that thus far, hundreds of households have benefited under Government’s Hinterland Electrification programme (HEP).

“Madam Speaker, we are also working towards financial closure and ground-breaking before the end of this year,” he said.

Government being cognizant of the welfare of its people has been bargaining to keep sustainable prices for electrical energy low, and has sealed several cooperation deals with partners to access soft loans, such as China and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Linden has also benefited from subsidised electricity, despite the Opposition’s claims that Government has been biased to Lindeners due to their political affiliations and, Mr. Hinds, while mentioning the many developments in the mining town under the PPP/C tenure, also reminded the Opposition of a statement made by a former Prime Minister, Forbes Burnham.

Quoting from a July 23, 1976 article, Burnham was on record as saying that, “I do not promise that you will get cheaper electricity than other people, because as Prime Minister I cannot have favourites…I am Prime Minister of the Republic of Guyana, not for the Republic of Linden. Get that straight once and for all.”

Lawrence’s assertion of the 2012 budget as anti-poor and anti-vulnerable also came in for criticism from the Prime Minister, who stated that much has been catered for in the budget; noting that, apart from the rise in the income tax threshold to $50,000, an additional 450 jobs will be created in the Upper Berbice area alone.

“Over the last dozen years, Linden has been steadily growing and community power has doubled, while the subsidy has tripled. A sound future must be built for Linden, a future in which domestic, business activities are not curtailed by the necessity and availability of monies to subsidise electricity prices,” he said.

In line with this, Government has proposed to have several projects initiated by July including;- merging the supply area of LUSCL into LECI; align the classification of customers in Linden with that of GPL, and adopt the tariff schedule of GPL and calculate the monthly electricity bill in accordance with the GPL tariff. (GINA)

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