Brumell urges SWAT team to uphold human rights of citizens

Outgoing Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell has urged members of the newly-trained Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit to uphold basic human rights and not sully the image of the Guyana Police force as they discharge their duties.

He made the comments as 27 ranks graduated from the SWAT training conducted by The Emergence Group (TEG).The unit is Guyana’s first SWAT Team. Urging the ranks to maintain self-discipline, Brumell said their new role requires commitment and adherence to basic human rights.

“Nobody must speak of this unit of committing heinous things,” the Police Chief said. Brumell also warned the ranks to be prepared for hoaxes, saying that persons may want to “put something out to see how you will react”. He told the gathering that the unit will be called upon to respond to high-risk situations.

Brumell expressed satisfaction in the accomplishment of the unit, which he said has worked extremely hard to be where it is today. He encouraged the officers to work at their best.


Meanwhile, at the simple ceremony, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee described the occasion as historic. He said members of the public have always been expecting much from the disciplined force; something he believes is normal.

“It is ok for the population to have expectations. They are taxpayers; they have an interest in law and order, in public safety and security. They may not be active players as you are, but because they are citizens of this country, they have a say in ensuring that the population is not in fear,” he told the group of smartly clad officers.

It was behind that backdrop, Rohee said, that the SWAT unit was established. The team, he said, is being trained as an additional component within the Guyana Police Force. He said the challenges in Guyana are common knowledge, but noted that the criticisms often unleashed against the Police Force, are sometimes “unwarranted”.

Rohee said while the force welcomes the criticism, it would also appreciate and welcome recommendations. He said that any person that works within the security sector will always come under tremendous criticism.

Earlier this year, the batch of officers was introduced to Guyana when the training programme was launched at the centre. The establishment of the SWAT Unit was done through collaboration between the Government of Guyana and U.S.-based security and justice reform consultancy firm, TEG.

In October last year, the contract finalising the agreement between the two entities was inked.  At the launching ceremony, TEG’s representative Dennis Hays had said that Guyana should be proud of the group selected for the SWAT Team. He noted that the officers would positively impact the Police Force, pointing out that SWAT members undergo a continuous training process.


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