British High Commissioner pledges UK security expert support in Prison reform

In light of recent incidents within the local prisons system, British High Commissioner Gregory Quinn on Thursday said that UK security expert, Russell Combe, has completed and handed over his preliminary findings as it relates to the Security Sector Reform Programme.

British High Commissioner, Gregory Quinn

However, that report focused on reforms within the local Police Force, Quinn noted.
To this end, he added that when Combe, who is currently on leave, returns, he will turn his attention to reforms within the prison system.
According to the British envoy, while he is not sure what areas the security expert will focus on in terms of prison reforms, he believes that work needs to be done with regards to the treatment of prisoners.
He also outlined that remand prisoners should not be held in the same facility as high profile convicts. On this note, he lauded government’s plans to set up a state of the art prison at Mazaruni, Region Seven.
Following the July 9, jailbreak and fire that flattened the Camp Street Prison, Government revealed plans to construct a new prison at Mazaruni – a project that will cost some G$2B.
According to Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, this project will streamline the local prison system as well as reduce the overcrowded population.

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