“Breaking the Silence” campaign for Guyana

– Miss Canada to lead delegation

President Donald Ramotar recently announced a “no-nonsense” approach to domestic abuse. Ramotar stated, “It is a criminal and abhorrent act when any woman is abused, emotionally, mentally or physically, and no woman should be a victim of sexual or domestic violence.”
Statistics released from Guyana suggests close to 50 per cent of women experience domestic violence. London and Ontario, Canada have been leading the way for the past 30 years in preventing domestic violence.
That reputation will continue to grow as a group of Londoners, as well as a film crew from London based TaggTV will be attending the 2012 Guyana International Youth against the Contagion of Violence Conference. The conference is slated for Guyana on August 12.
Miss Canada 2012 Jaclyn Miles, who is also the spokesperson and founder of the “Break the Silence” Campaign, will be among the Londoners attending the conference.
The “Break the Silence” Campaign is a programme which runs solely on donations from sponsors. The focus of this campaign is to educate the populace about the realities of abuse, and how they can be prevented.
Miles said, “It is important to reinforce the idea that no one is immune to abuse.” Joining Miles is television personality Sabrina Pierson, as well as Megan Walker, the executive director of the London Abused Women’s Centre. The goal of the International Youth against the Contagion of Violence Conference is to reshape the lessons youth were taught as children, ensuring family violence is no longer seen as the norm.
Following the conference, two groups will be traveling throughout Guyana to promote the message of ending domestic violence. One in every two women in Guyana reports being a victim of domestic violence.
“I encourage individuals to take action to end domestic violence. Break the silence, speak up, and report it. It may save a woman’s life,” Miles said.

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