Brazilian woman granted Gy$1M bail for procuring prostitutes

Brazilian national Maria Do Soeona Nascimento, 39, of Lot 333 Cummings Street, Alberttown, Georgetown, appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry to answer to five counts of procuring females within Guyana for the purpose of prostitution.

She was not required to plead to the indictable charges, which stated that sometime between March and June 29, 2011, at Club Copa Cabanna in Cummings Street, Alberttown, she procured five young women to become common prostitutes.

Attorney-at-law James Bond, who represented the accused, made application for bail, stating that his client has been living in Guyana for approximately seven years and is the mother of three children. He also stated that his client was engaged in a number of business ventures, such as being a financier of dredging operations and trading, which require her to travel constantly in and out of Guyana. He added that the woman has been the owner of Club Copa Cabanna for five months.

When the magistrate asked whether she had a work permit, the accused stated that she had applied for the permit two months ago. Police Prosecutor Vernette Pindar had no objection to bail being granted, but asked that it be in a substantial amount, and that the defendant should lodge her passport with the police and be required to report to CID Headquarters twice weekly.

The magistrate granted bail in the sum of Gy$200,000 for each of the five charges, together with the condition that the defendant should report to Sergeant Bailey of the CID Headquarters at 09:00h every Monday and Wednesday until the cases have been determined.

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