Bouterse hails Guyana visit

– vows commitment to Caricom

Suriname president Desi Bouterse has said that he is extremely satisfied with the outcome of a one-day official visit he and a government delegation made to Guyana on Monday.

Bouterse met with President Bharrat Jagdeo, and the two discussed a range of issues for strengthening relations between the two neighbouring countries.

Speaking to the Surinamese media upon his arrival at Johan Adolf Pengel Airport at around 20:00hrs on Monday, Bouterse said he had been warmly received by President Jagdeo.

“The atmosphere was good, and we have made concrete commitments,” he told journalists.

While outlining all the issues discussed, Bouterse paid special attention to Guyana’s gains with respect to forest conservation.

“Guyana has the experience of demands from international agencies, and we can learn from this experience without going through the ordeals,” he said.

Among the other areas of cooperation discussed were agriculture, education, energy, combating drug trafficking, and the longer-term plan of building a bridge over the Corentyne River.

The Surinamese president also reported on his cordial meeting with the Caricom Secretary General, Dr Edwin Carrington.

Bouterse expressed the hope that Caricom will play a bigger role in Suriname, and the country will play a bigger role in Caricom.

Sources in Suriname say that the Dutch-speaking country will hold the rotational chairmanship of the regional organisation next year.

Bouterse took the opportunity to invite Carrington to Suriname next month.

The president noted that, since joining Caricom in 1995, Suriname’s trade balance with fellow members of the Caribbean Community has moved from a deficit of US$50 million to a surplus in 2008.

This, he said, is proof of the intensified economic activity between Suriname and the rest of the Community, and he is convinced that even more could be achieved.

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