Book explores ‘Children in the Line of Fire’

Jamaican clinical social worker, Dr Claudette Crawford-Brown, will release a new publication, Children in the Line of Fire, exploring the impact of violence on families in Jamaica and the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

One of two launches will take place on Friday, September 17, at noon at The Institute of Jamaica Lecture Hall, downtown Kingston.

‘Children in the Line of Fire’ has been presented with the hope that it will provide some important evidenced-based solutions for the seemingly intractable problems of child victims and perpetrators of violence in Jamaica.

The book argues that children who are often described as ‘soft targets’ in the ongoing crossfire involving various warring factions and systems in Jamaican society, are some of the most serious casualties of the ongoing violence in the country.

The book suggests that the problem is an indictment on the entire Jamaican society, which seemingly continues to sit and watch helplessly as these children rapidly emerge as the dysfunctional parents and possible adult criminals of the next generation.

Dr Crawford-Brown is the coordinator of the Violence Prevention Programme in the Department of Sociology, Psychology, and Social Work at the UWI, Mona campus. (Jamaica Gleaner)

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