Bolivian Ambassador presents Letters of Credence to President Granger

President David Granger exchanges a handshake with the newlyaccredited Ambassador Jose Kinn Franco after the ceremony at State House on Wednesday
President David Granger exchanges a handshake with the newlyaccredited Ambassador Jose Kinn Franco after the ceremony at State House on Wednesday

President David Granger on Wednesday accepted the Letters of Credence from Jose Kinn Franco at State House, accrediting him as the new non-resident Ambassador of Bolivia to Guyana.

The President said that with the appointment of the new Ambassador, it is hoped that an even stronger relationship characterised by peace, security and prosperity can be forged between the two nations, the Ministry of the Presidency said in a release.

The Head of State, accepting the Letters of Credence, said that the two countries placed great emphasis on the importance of regional integration. This, he said, serves as a means of achieving a higher standard of living for their peoples through the sustainable use of the countries’ natural resources.

He noted that Guyana and Bolivia both adhere strongly to the international values of mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, cooperation for mutual benefit, respect for treaties and international law, and the maintenance of regional peace and security, the release added.

“Guyana and Bolivia recall that the Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), gathered at the Second Summit in Havana, Cuba on January 28 and 29, 2014, declared Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace based on respect for the principles and rules of international law, including the international instruments to which Member States are a party and the Principles and Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations. Guyana is confident that as a member of various regional organisations, we will continue to collaborate with Bolivia to work for the preservation of the continent as a zone of peace,” he said.

As the country moved towards the pursuit and development of a ‘green’ economy, the President said that he too looked forward to cooperation in this area, as it was a means of tackling the ongoing climate change phenomenon.

Meanwhile, newly-accredited Ambassador Franco, in his remarks, said that the two countries have always shared cordial, friendly relations and it was his country’s hope too that the bonds could be further deepened for the mutual benefit of Guyana and Bolivia.

“It is the profound wish of our President to see the development and strengthening of relations with your country. My mission will be to seek fruitful outcomes in all areas of our relationship with due priority to fostering brotherhood among our peoples and actions in favour of development, which our peoples fervently aspire,” Ambassador Franco said through a translator. Ambassador Franco replaces Jerjes Justiniano Talavera, who began his tenure in Guyana in 2014.

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