Body of missing teen found floating in highway creek

The third-form South Ruimveldt Secondary School student who went missing Sunday after going on an outing on the Soesdyke/ Linden Highway was discovered on the morning of June 21 floating in the creek at the Azeez A Cozen Resort, just outside the Splashmin’s Fun Park.

Kevin Poulis, 14, of E20 Guyhoc Park, Georgetown is now confirmed dead. His body was discovered by his grandfather when he and other family members went to the area to search for the young man on Tuesday at about 10: 00h.

When Guyana Times International contacted the mother of the dead teenager, the devastated woman disclosed that she received a call from her father informing her of the discovery, at about 10:15h. She declared that she is still trying to come to grips with the present reality. Kevin was her only child. The grieving mother remembered her son as a very pleasant, jovial and honest child. He was described by other relatives as very humble and full of potential.

Poulis, also known as “Gobi”, left Georgetown in company of some neighbours and friends on an outing to the creek, but disappeared sometime after 16:30h, after he had gone to get something to eat.

One of the missing teenager’s friends, Collis Hinds, told this newspaper on Monday that they were all in the water when Poulis informed them that he was going to get something to eat, so they remained in the water. He noted that, after a while, he and another friend went to the bus to eat, but upon reaching, they noticed Poulis was not there. An alarm was raised and a search party was established, but despite intense searches, which lasted for more than three hours, the teenager was not found. Family members also went to the location on Monday to search for the teenager, but this, too, proved futile.

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