Body of 50-yr-old male found hanging in Corentyne home

The deteriorating body of a 50-year-old man was found hanging from the ceiling of his Fyrish, Corentyne home on Wednesday by police and his relatives.
Dead is Dewan Ramnarine who is suspected to have committed suicide.
According to information received, Ramnarine has been residing alone in the home he once shared with his wife- who reportedly moved out some months ago after falling ill.
Neighbours told law enforcement officials that the man seemed “down” lately but they thought nothing of it. The 50-year-old man was last seen by persons in the village on Monday last.
This newspaper understands that on Wednesday, one of his neighbours woke up to a foul stench coming from Ramnarine’s house. As such, he reportedly called on the now dead man’s relative who resided a short distance away, to check on the man.
When the relative arrived, the door of the home was found to have been locked from the interior and as such, the police were quickly informed and summoned as the family member began fearing the worst.
The door was reportedly forced open and it was there that Ramnarine was found hanging.
His body was cut down and taken to the Port Mourant Hospital’s mortuary to await a post mortem examination.
An investigation has been launched into the matter.

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