Bodies of Aishalton boys exhumed

Government pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh is expected to travel to the small Amerindian community of Aishalton, Region Nine to perform post-mortem examinations on the three children who were allegedly killed after a mining pit collapsed on them.

Claybert Thompson, 12; Mark Thompson, 11, and Adrian Brown, 11, all of Aishalton Secondary School, were dug out from the abandoned mining pit at Sandhills, one week after they were reported missing.

It is unclear how they actually met their deaths.

An official noted that the bodies of the children were exhumed by the police, and are at the Aishalton Hospital mortuary awaiting the post-mortem examinations.

The post-mortem examinations will determine the causes of death of the lads who, it was speculated, died as a result of asphyxiation.

According to information received, the boys hailed from the villages of Amerpnau and Katoonirib in Region Nine.

A police source disclosed that investigators have since visited the scene and from all indications, the reports that they have received about the collapsed cave is accurate since they have seen the evidence. The investigators are awaiting the post-mortem examination reports before drawing a conclusion, the source added.

He also noted that the police have since taken statements from the teachers at the dormitory of the Aishalton Secondary School.

Education officials, as well as officials from the Amerindian Affairs Ministry and the Regional Democratic Council, have travelled up to the area which is about 60 miles southeast of Lethem to conduct their investigations.

After searching all the possible areas, a check was made at the abandoned pit and it was observed that the walls of the pit had recently caved in. A closer inspection was done and one of the children’s legs was sighted. They were immediately dug up, but later reburied due to the condition of the corpses. The boys began their studies at the Aishalton Secondary School September last.

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