Boat going to water

It is not that Satiricus was apprehensive. But he was up in the air as to what would happen in Parliament when it convenes. Normally the event would be a love fest. All the newly minted Parliamentarians just pleased as punch to be going to the Public Building. They now had an excuse to wear suits to show off on their friends and enemies (mostly the latter). So what if Cheddi and Burnham had told them to wear shirt jack? “Dis chap Grain Ja a wan real Burnham man. Me think he gon wear wan shirt jack,” Cappo said firmly, Cappo, the canecutter, was not one to harbour many doubts.

“Like you forget that when Burnham first entered Parliament in 1953, he had Cheddi and all the others wear fancy white sharkskin suits!” Samad was always the schoolteacher.

“Wha if Grain Ja wear he general suit?” Bungi, Cappo’s partner, was serious. “Ah hear Chavez does wear he army suit to Parliament.” “I don’t know about you fellas, I watching out for local Bond. I bet you the man going to wear a two-button suit with flapped pockets, four-button cuffs and a single vent. And a white handkerchief in his breast pocket.” Suresh smiled modestly as the entire table looked at him with open mouths.

“I read all the James Bond books,” he confessed modestly.

“So what dem PPP boys goin to wear?” Cappo was playing the devil’s advocate. Everyone knows he was PPP to the bone.

“Boy, I see Donald wearing shirt jack a lot. What you think? Is back to Cheddi days?” Hari bounced back the ball to Cappo.

“Nah! Dem chaps done wid shirt jacks. Me cyan see Nanda Yall wearin’ no shirt jack,” Cappo was firm.

“Well, I know three persons who wearing dark suits for sure on Thursday,” Samad smiled challengingly to the group around the table.

“Who?” Bungi took the bait.

“Ram Carran, Backa and Naga Man. And I’ll tell you why. They all want to be Speaker and the Speaker always wear dark suits!”

Samad lifted his beer and took a swig. Everyone joined him.

“So, what you think will happen. Who’s going to be the Speaker?” Suresh wanted to know.

Satiricus decided to throw in his two cents worth. “I don’t think it matters who is the Speaker.” Why?” the response was unanimous.

“My friends, the opposition revealed that all their fancy words during the campaign were just hot air. They just interested in power. Their days are numbered.” “Me remember de story about de dog with de bone.” Cappo leaned back to regale the table. “De dog already gat wan bone in he mouth. But he so greedy when he see he image in de water he open he mouth fo grab am. And he lost he own bone.” “Deep, Cappo, deep!” Samad looked quizzically at Cappo.

“So you think APANU and KFC will fight over the Speaker even though they got the majority and then Ram Carran will get in?” “Well, me hope so!” And the gang drank to that.

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