Blocking a public bridge cannot be regarded as peaceful protest

Dear Editor,
I am really bothered by what one member of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) told the Linden Commission of Inquiry during his interrogation session. He emphatically explained that he did not consider the blocking of the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge, during the July 18 unrest in the community to be unlawful. He said this action was necessary so as to call attention to their hardship.
Can someone, for any reason, do what he wants regardless of the consequences just to get the attention of someone? I think not. Currently, a police officer is facing the law because of an accidental shooting. Isn’t it more important then that persons who engage in or encourage illegality be prosecuted and brought to justice?
The APNU member sought justification for his action by explaining that the electricity hike imposed on the mining town and government’s refusal to meet with the people of Linden were enough reasons for the illegal protest. Protest, even when legal, must be conducted within the ambit of the law. This man must be held accountable.

Yours truly,
Ophelia Wilson

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