Biker dies after crashing into pedestrian

Dead: Latchman Hansraj

A 24-year-old man of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice (WCB), lost his life following an accident on Sunday evening at the Number 42 Village Public Road, WCB.
Dead is Latchman Hansraj called “Kevin”. Reports are the young man was on his way home from a horse racing event when the accident occurred.
According to the police, Hansraj was riding motorcycle CJ 5154 at a fast rate of speed when he collided with 19-year-old Franyelys Rondon of Lot 78 Plantation Washington. The police stated that Hansraj fell onto the road and received injuries while the motorbike continued sliding and collided with a motorcar, which was parked on the northern parapet.
Both Hansraj and Rondon were picked up and rushed to the Fort Wellington Hospital, where Hansraj was pronounced dead on arrival while Rondon was treated and sent away.
The accident occurred at about 23:00h on Sunday. The graphic designer left home at about 13:00h to attend a horse racing event.
His cousin, Bridgepaul Hansraj, said it was the police who informed the family of the accident.
“The police told us that he fell with the bike and the bike fell and skate away about one hundred and fifty feet and hit a car. They told us that he suffered head injuries and the police took him to the hospital but when they reached, he was already dead,” the cousin stated.
He said when he saw his cousin, his face was covered in blood and a laceration to the top right side was visible along with a wound to his left leg.
A helmet was found on the road next to Hansraj after he fell from the motorbike.
Bridgepaul referred to his cousin as a very quiet person, saying that he did not speak much. “He would go out with his friends and lime,” he said.
Two years ago, Hansraj’s father died. Now he leaves two brothers and his mother to mourn.

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