Big mouth does get small sometimes

It got some people in life who just always got a big mouth. People does call dem loud mouth. Plenty of de loud mouths does also be lewd mouths. Well, it got plenty loud and lewd mouths in de media… especially de newspapers. This week alone, one of de loud mouths write a set of tings bout a girl who had a cruel attack pun de road. The girl still deh in hospital and de loud mouths start gossipin. What de loud mouths didn’t know was that de girl had people who coulda stand up fuh she. But de loud mouths play big bully and didn’t even wanna say sorry.
De same loud mouths also turn up in Parliament and hear one story bout a government official, then go back and write sum ting else. Is like dem mouth so loud that dem ears does can’t hear what people sayin. Well, dis was Parliament, so de loud mouths had to kneel down and beg… plus put it in writin.
Finally, de loud mouths turn up in court. Dis time, every ting dem hear dem write… word fuh word. Not a word ain’t leff out. Dem even write what dem not supposed to write.
But dem judges and magistrates does don’t mek joke when any body try to mess wid dem wuk. It turn out to be de same loud mouths who does want fuh cuss out one Brazzy, who don’t bother to cuss back. Well, dis other Brazzy in de court don’t tek bullyin. Was pay up time or jail time.
A reporter seh one of de loud mouths woulda prefer to tek de jail time, because he woulda enjoy life fuh 14 days straight! But another loud mouth pay de fine and tek it out he salary! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! And look out fuh all de loud mouth people dis week!

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