Bharrat Jagdeo’s outstanding legacy

Dear Editor,

President Bharrat Jagdeo’s legacy as a highly successful leader is assured. It is rather unfortunate that a newspaper chose to carry a one-sided assessment of this great man’s tenure as president. The article used a flurry of negative terms and did not provide concrete evidence to support its claims. Furthermore, it ignored the fundamental parameters that are universally used to assess a leader’s legacy.

Guyana’s gross domestic product (GDP) has increased significantly under Jagdeo’s leadership. GDP is a leading indicator of change in a country’s economic development. According to the World Bank, our GDP increased from US$713 million in 2000 to US$1.2 billion in 2008. This is a 62 % increase under Mr Jagdeo’s presidency. In the same period, it must be noted, no other Caribbean country came close to matching our growth in GDP. Despite the worldwide recession in 2008 and 2009, Jagdeo’s leadership resulted in Guyana achieving a GDP of approximately US$1 billion in 2009, whilst the economy of many developed countries, including the United States and parts of Europe, stagnated. The editorial in the aforementioned national newspaper ignored GDP altogether.

Guyana’s infrastructure has increased by leaps and bounds. TheTakutu Bridge now serves to link Guyana with the booming Brazil. The Berbice River Bridge has also benefited thousands of people from all over the country. These developments could have only become a reality through President Jagdeo’s vision and hard work.

The modern cricket stadium at Providence is yet another manifestation of President Jagdeo’s legacy. Had it not been for his selfless and relentless efforts at securing a new stadium, and with help from the Indian government, Guyana may not have had further opportunity to host any international cricket. The Providence Stadium has ensured that Guyana will continue to host international cricket and other events of importance to national development. This is substantial and tangible evidence of President Jagdeo’s legacy.

When natural disaster in the form of major flooding hit Guyana in 2005, President Jadgeo’s outstanding ability to effectively manage crises was aptly demonstrated when he and his government did all that was necessary for Guyanese to recover from the disaster and return to living normal lives.

Health care has improved significantly under his watch. This is evidenced by infrastructural developments, capacity building and training of health care professionals, improved access to healthcare by all Guyanese, and the introduction of new health care services. Specifically, infrastructural developments are noticeable at the Georgetown Public Hospital, at the new healthcare facility at Port Mourant, at the new New Amsterdam Hospital, and at the Diamond Diagnostic Center. These are highly identifiable landmarks of progress that were achieved under President Jagdeo’s leadership.

His Low Carbon Development Strategy elevated him to international stardom. It is a masterstroke and one of great vision, earning him the Champion of the Earth award. This strategy will provide Guyana with returns in many ways. Guyana is expected to benefit from the sum of US$250 million as compensation from Norway for this initiative. This is a cornerstone of President Jagdeo’s legacy and one of which all Guyanese should be very proud.

His roles and contributions at the World Bank and IMF are now well documented. No Third World leader has ever simultaneously held the chairmanship of the board of governors of both the World Bank and the IMF. Leadership demonstrated here gives credence to President Jagdeo’s legacy.

Under his leadership, Guyana continued to benefit from write-offs of national debts incurred in the 1970s and 1980s. Guyana’s creditworthiness has increased immensely since 1992. Under President Jagdeo’s leadership our indigenous people are now being given equal recognition and opportunities as other Guyanese. Amerindians are increasingly being afforded opportunity to elevate themselves and their children.

President Jagdeo’s vision of giving 90,000 laptop computers to the less fortunate children took the first step in becoming reality when 100 laptops were distributed recently at the official launch of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Programme. Dr Cheddi Jagan had a vision that education was the backbone of our society, resulting in the creation of the University of Guyana. President Jagdeo subscribed to this vision, and has taken it one step further. Guyana’s children will have an opportunity to make a quantum leap into the 21st century. Future generations will no doubt rejoice when their dreams are materialized because of these initiatives.

President Jagdeo’s legacy is outstanding and is worthy of commendation. It is important that he writes his memoirs and shares his experiences, challenges and successes for future generations. His stints at the World Bank and IMF, his challenges during the Great Flood of 2005, the story behind his LCDS initiatives, his vision to enhance the Amerindian communities, and his thoughts behind re-establishing the Buxton Connection are events we can all learn from. His outstanding legacy will be indelibly etched in the minds of all Guyanese, and will be one we will all be proud of. Thank you for your sterling service, President Jagdeo.


Vijay Kumar

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