Beware the rejects

It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. The Greeks experienced a lot of madness in their time and saw entire peoples destroyed. It is not by coincidence that the Greeks pretty much invented tragedies. The AFC and its entire leadership corps have definitely gone bonkers and destruction cannot be very far away.

If it were just a matter of the few demented leaders driven crazy by their hatred of the PPP, because they see the latter as standing in their way to the power they crave, we’d say “good riddance to bad rubbish!” But politics being what it is, we’re concerned that they might influence a few gullible souls and unleash havoc once more on the land. So let’s explain to the wankers Ramjattan and Nagamootoo (henceforth Ram& Nag) whence their narcissistic self-indulgence sprouts and hope they may yet save themselves.

Basically both of these wankers are beside themselves with envy, hate and malice at the new leadership of the PPP. Let’s face facts – even though they refuse to do so. If Ram& Nag had been promoted by the Jagans whom they now cite so profusely, they would have been doing exactly what they now criticise so rabidly.

There is even a term to describe the sickness they suffer from – a fancy French word – ‘ressentiment’. It connotes much more than the English equivalent “resentment”. In addition to believing they were done out of what should have been theirs, the wankers Ram& Nag’s minds are twisted to condemn all that they had held dear before. Good is bad and bad is good. And these wankers actually believe their rantings – that’s what makes them dangerous.

Look at their condemnation of ‘contract workers’. The wankers scream that they are ‘liberals’. But yet they condemn these individuals who voluntarily left the stifling rules of bureaucracy to be rewarded based on their personal endeavours! Isn’t a meritocracy the liberal way? Then, of course, these contract workers don’t have to support Patrick Yard! That alone makes them enlightened stalwarts.

Ram& Nag, your fringe party is never going to win anything – Ramjattan confessed that in T& T. Learn from your senior partner APNU how not to “hang yuh hat where yuh hand cyan reach’’. Live with the reality that you’re just two dyspeptic wankers filled with ressentiment.

Race baiting

But the most dangerous level to which these AFC leaders have sunk is to pander to the racial/ ethnic insecurities that have wracked and wrecked our country on so many occasions. In Linden, they were the first to accuse the PPP government of spite – because less Lindeners had voted for the PPP this go around. Now every Guyanese knows the ethnic political demographics – most of all Ram& Nag. They were invoking the race angle – they needn’t say more.

But the wankers didn’t stop there. They explicitly accused the PPP of neglecting “Amerindians” since they came into office! These were the same reprobates that had previously claimed the PPP government was ‘bribing’ Amerindians by directing so many resources their way. As we said, wankers are so narcissistic they’ll say whatever is expedient and think people will forget it next week.

And they think it’s expedient to poach a few votes – never mind they are deepening our divisions.

Wanker redux

Narcissism and ressentiment personified, and now AFC activist – Freddy Kissoon – wanted to know how come public servants can protest AFC’s moving to have them all dismissed and Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine can’t speak to the press. Because, you wanker, Ramnarine is going against a specific standing order of our Disciplined Force.

It wouldn’t be much of a “Disciplined Force” if its officers start interpreting the SOPs as they wished, would it? And in that vein we expect condign disciplinary action to be taken against the officers behind the letter in the KN: “We senior police officers reject Rohee’s ‘ass-kicking’ statement”.

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