Berbicians welcome the private hospital

Dear Editor,

I am very excited with the news that, finally, the private hospital complex in Berbice will be commissioned in a couple of months’ time. Although there is the public hospital in New Amsterdam, there is need for that private institution so, like in Demerara, the people in Berbice could have choices.

However, while it is good to have this private institution in the area, staff will have to play a very important role in its everyday functioning, as accommodation is not all that is necessary. There must be fully qualified staff who would have to be working round- the-clock to ensure that proper care and treatment are given to patients.

According to what I read in the newspaper, the hospital is currently operational twelve hours a day. I feel this is not good enough, especially if, at the moment, there are patients at the institution who may require attention for more than twelve hours in some instances.

Having the hospital in Berbice is another step forward for that county, which now boasts a lot of economic and social developments.

I hope the institution would be fully operational soon, so that Berbicians would be able to make full use of the facility.


V Veerapen

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