Berbicians shine at National Novices powerlifting c/ships

Mustopha Rahaman equalled the Pan American Junior Powerlifting record when he lifted 237.5kg in deadlift at the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation Junior and Novices Championships held at the New Amsterdam Multilateral School auditorium on Sunday.

Suraj Shewdas doing his dead lift
Suraj Shewdas doing his dead lift

Rahaman, of ‘Total Fitness Gym’, competing in the male junior and open categories, tallied 323.399 Wilkes points but it was not enough to top the category. The performance of the 29-year-old earned him an overall eight place.
It was another 29-year-old, Marino Jeffrey of Prison Gym with 426.132 Wilkes points that came out as champion in that category. He squatted 272.5kg, bench pressed 167.5kg and deadlifted 227.5kg while Rahaman squatted 205kg, bench pressed 112.5kg and dead lifted 237.5kg. The top female novice was Natoya Robinson of Total Fitness Gym. The 29-year-old lifter squatted 150kg, bench pressed 57.5kg and dead lifted 175kg to gain 311.431 Wilkes points.
Forty-two athletics from across the country took part in the all day event. The competition which was concluded well after dark was the first for Berbice.
In a brief address at the end of the championships, president of the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPF) Peter Green noted that it will not be the last competition. He thanked the athletes for attending the powerlifting championships in New Amsterdam.
“For a very long time I have not seen such a large response of lifters, so to that I will have to say thank you to the gyms,”  Green stated, adding “I am extremely excited to see that the ladies have come out and amongst these ladies there is some talent, there are potential champions here.”
Green informed the athletes that in June the federation will be holding its championships at the intermediate level, followed by the senior level.
According to the powerlifting-body head, some of the performances from Sunday’s activity will be assessed with the aim of determining whether they could be included in the team to represent Guyana in June at the Pan American National Championships.
While he said he was impressed with the performance of Rahaman, Green revealed that the performance of Natoya Robinson has been noted and she is being ‘considered’ for a spot on the national team.
The Shewdas brothers along with Fabian Ketwaroo have already been selected for the Pan American Championships.

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