Berbicians call for better trained police to handle gender violence

Residents of West Coast Berbice have called for enhanced training for police officers handling cases of gender-based violence, particularly those cases involving children.
This call came when they joined the National Conversation on Gender-Based Violence at the Lichfield Primary School.

Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster

The residents opined that while domestic violence is present in their communities, they are particularly concerned about violence against children, especially since the perpetrators are often family members. The residents were of the view that the police are not properly trained to deal with reports of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse.
According to a release by the Human Services and Social Security Ministry, the women called for additional empowerment opportunities, specifically economic empowerment, to decrease women’s dependency on their male partners, while the men highlighted the need for proper family planning and strengthening of the institution of the family.
Arising out of the group discussions were also calls for religious education in schools, as well as greater involvement of the community in families’ welfare.
Among the contributing factors to the violence cited during the consultation were men feeling disrespected in their relationships, poverty, breakdown in the family structure, and the perception that the police are not sufficiently equipped to address cases of abuse.
Speaking with participants at the National Conversation, Human Services and Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster implored residents to play an active role in preventing gender-based violence.
She noted that violence in the home affects the entire household and not just the parties directly involved. Similarly, communities and the country at large are affected as well.
“Gender-based violence affects us all. It is costly to the individuals, families, and society. We at the ministry cannot solve this problem alone. We need you to play a role in the solution.

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