Berbice teen stabbed to death

…after he intervened in early morning brawl

Nineteen-year-old Vishram Mohabir of 258 Williamsburg, Corentyne Berbice died early Sunday morning after he sustained stab wounds to his neck as he attempted to act as a peacemaker between his younger brother and 44-year-old Williamsburg resident Ivor Thom, with whom he had an ongoing issue.
Mohabir’s 16-year-old brother received several lacerations on his hands from that altercation.

Dead: Vishram Mohabir

This newspaper was told that after Mohabir had reportedly been stabbed to the neck by Thom, the suspect was immediately taken into custody by police officers who were patrolling the area.
Police ‘B’ Division Commander Paul Williams told Guyana Times International that members of the Community Policing Group (CPG) had shut down a bar-b-que and lime in the village at some time around 3am on Sunday, and the police action had allegedly drawn rebuke from a group of individuals, of which the accused was part.
According to the Police Commander, the group had re-converged, and the 16-year-old was passing when the accused confronted him. At that point, the older brother stepped in to separate the two, and the accused whipped out a knife and stabbed him in the neck, before inflicting injury on the hands of the 16-year-old with whom he had a beef.
Commander Williams said the suspect was immediately taken into custody by a police patrol that was just a few yards away.
At the home of the deceased, an older brother told Guyana Times International that his two younger brothers had gone out during the evening, and sometime later, his 16-year-old brother returned home to drop his bicycle. While the teen was on his way back to meet his brother, he was confronted by the accused, who began to “hassle” him. According to the sibling, his brother Vishram intervened and asked, “Man, what you really doing?” and was then reportedly stabbed by the accused.
The dead man’s mother, Davika Ranjas, said she was awakened at some time around 4am on Sunday and told the dreaded news about her second child.
“That was after four this morning, I get a call to say come Ajaj (Vishram) get bore in his throat. I go to the hospital and went to the emergency room. When I got there I see me son on the bed. I said, ‘Boy what happen with you? He said ‘Ma’. That is all I hear from my son”, the grieving woman told this publication.
She said she was asked to leave the room, and sometime later was informed that her son had died.
The distressed mother said that, as a single parent, she was devastated by the sudden death of her son, whom she said had become the breadwinner of the family.
Police investigations into the tragic incident continue.

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