Berbice rice farmer dies after crashing into parked truck

One day after crashing into a parked lorry along the Golden Grove Public Road, West Coast Berbice, a rice farmer succumbed to his injuries while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Michael Persaud reportedly sustained a fractured skull when he lost control of his motorcycle, bearing registration plates CH 7640, while negotiating a turn and slammed the motorcycle into a parked motor lorry.

Based on reports received, the 27-year-old man was heading home after imbibing with his friends when the accident occurred. He was reportedly speeding at the time of the accident.

He was picked up in an unconscious state and taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital, but was transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital, where he was treated. However, due to his condition, he was later referred to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he remained a patient until his demise. Police are continuing their investigations into this accident.

Only recently, three persons lost their lives after slamming into parked vehicles. Meanwhile, the traffic department of the Guyana Police Force has recorded a 19 per cent decrease in fatal accidents.

Thirty-eight fatalities were recorded at the end of April when compared to 44 for the same period in 2016.

The Police added that a total of 22,896 cases were made against errant drivers between January 1 and April 30, 2017. Speeding and breach of conditions of road service licence/music accounted 6982 of the total amount.

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