Berbice cricket concerns

Dear Sir,

The officials and cricketers of the West Berbice area have been enjoying life as never before, since the illegal election of the Guyana Cricket Board earlier this year.

The following have happened in a short while for the area at the Guyana Cricket Board level.

a) David Black appointed manager of the senior Guyana team.

b) Julian Cambridge appointed liaison officer for Guyana Under-19 Team.

c) Carol Nurse appointed manager of Guyana female teams – both junior and senior.

d) The following players: Keith Fraser, Keyron Fraser, Arthley Bailey and Kwesi Mentore, found themselves on the President’s XI Team in front of more outstanding players, like Moshin Perkhan, Rajendra Bolo, Ramnarine Chattergoon, Harrinarine Chattergoon, Raid Ally, Sasenarine Sukhdeo, Renwick Batson, Jason Sinclair, Delbert Hicks, Danny David, Seon Hetmyer and Gudakesh Motie Kanhai.

While certain West Berbice officials and their trusted cricket friends are all enjoying the benefits of the one West Berbice vote at the illegal Guyana Cricket Board, the standard of West Berbice cricket is deterioriating.

The different teams – first division, inter- zone and club – have won nothing for the longest while, and the West Berbice Cricket Association has not been able to find sponsorship to organise anything for the long- suffering clubs in that area.

Western Berbice Cricket is in urgent need of fresh blood, and as a proud citizen of that region, I would like to call on the clubs and representatives to stand up, attend the meetings, and let your voices be heard. Western Berbice Cricket Association does not belong to David Black.

I would be grateful if the Berbice Cricket Board can verify if it is true that two senior Western Berbice Cricket Association executives are indebted to the body, and have failed, neglected and/or refused to clear up their debts.

While the Berbice Cricket Board has been creating waves across Berbice with their development programmes, the administration of West Berbice cricket seems to be interested only in positions at the national level, and our cricket has reached rock bottom.

Yours in sports,

Harold Ramdass

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