Berbice Bridge fiasco an election gimmick gone wrong

Dear Editor,
The Board of the Berbice Bridge Company Inc (BBCI), led by Dr Surendra Singh, has proposed a hike in the tolls paid to use the Berbice River Bridge. It is a very steep rise in the tolls, which, according to the latest report, is due to commence on November 12, 2018, the very day set for Local Government Elections.
Immediately there was a train of events that followed: the pro-People’s National Congress electronic media in Guyana began churning out the propaganda news of the ‘evils’ of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and their corrupt arrangement in regard to that bridge. I even got a call from my PNC friend, who parroted the same sentiments.
My response was: when the PPP/C ran the affairs of that bridge, there was no hue and cry, absolutely no problems whatsoever. However, the problems began only when this PNC-led administration came to power, and no one ever asked that sane question ‘Why?’ I told my PNC friend that that alone should have set the alarm bells ringing in his head, far less the gullible press.
But to those who are out to vilify the PPP/C, those questions are of no consequence; only spread the propaganda filth far and wide, sow discord and confusion at a time when elections are due.
So the desired effect is already in the air, or at least so they thought: create panic among Berbicians – a place where the Alliance for Change (AFC) gained most of its votes. Put the people on a panic alert, so that they can run back into the arms of a party that fooled them stupid, and when they got into office, hung them out to dry.
The AFC is trying its utmost to scare Berbicians stone cold with that steep rise. It is trying another shot at this to scare Berbicians into believing that it is really the PPP/C who is responsible for that steep, precipitous rise in tolls, all because the PPP had engineered a corrupt deal with shareholders of the bridge.
The propaganda theory is that Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP had brokered a corrupt transaction with the expressed design to fleece Berbicians of millions of hard earned dollars, and the results of that underhand deal are only at this time materialising.
That ruse has backfired on the AFC, in that the Chairman of the BBCI is an AFC supporter, so why sabotage his own Government? It is not a situation that Persaud is an ex-AFC man, no; he is a current member of that party, which Minister Patterson is the Minister in Government.
So are we to believe that Dr Persaud wants to embarrass his fellow party buddy? Absolutely not! Persaud is in collusion with the minister, spreading the scare tactic, after which the minister himself would come riding into town like the knight in shining armour to rescue Berbicians.
But we are seeing them through and through with that trick, and I can tell them it will not work. Their theory is that the minister comes in and says he would not assent to a rise in tolls; he would have so “earned” the badge of Berbice’s saviour. We will not be fooled into submission again.

Neil Adams

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