Belle of the Ball

Satiricus liked to open his New Year by opening his newspaper to see all the movers and shakers shaking their booties at the New Year’s Ball. He was not disappointed. THERE was Rum Jhaat in his Top Hat, twirling away on the dance floor with his goofy grin in place! The ball had just started when the pic was snapped, but the Jhaat already look like he was smashed and holding on for dear life to his partner.

But Satiricus was a tad disappointed Rum Jhaat didn’t wear his patented Green Suit to the ball. “If he could wear his lime green suit to Cold Toronto to show all those dark-suited fashion clods how we tropical men dressed, why couldn’t he have done the same here?” fretted Satiricus. As Satiricus looked around for some fashion statement – like a cummerbund or something – he realised it was Naga Man’s turn to be the fashionista of the night. These KFC types divvied up the duties.

Cutting a dapper figure in his white suit, Naga Man reminded Satiricus of the sharkskin white suit BurntHam had persuaded his colleagues in the PPP to wear back in 1953 when they became Ministers. It was clear Naga Man had a keen sense of history, Satiricus smiled knowingly. “It couldn’t be he was following BurntHam’s fashion lead to score brownie points because he’d now joined up with the PNC, could it?” He wondered. Naaah!

But then he was wearing a purple shirt!! Wasn’t purple the colour of royalty and therefore the colour of BurntHam? “Sheer coincidence,” said Satiricus firmly to himself. But Naga Man did stand out like the belle of the ball with his white suit and purple shirt. It was magical. Soon it would be 2am and he would have to rush away in his SUV Carriage pulled by its 4500 cc engine, which had been given to him by his fairy godfather GrainJa to visit his constituents.

Or else he would turn back into the fella who used to catch crabs on the Whim foreshore while swigging Bush Rum with his pal, Rum Jhaat!

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