‘Because We Care’ grants were equitable

Dear Editor,

I am happy to have provided some amusement for Allan Fenty (“Stabroek News”, Giving and Telling about it, Feb, 12, 2016) through my last Guyana Times Sunday column.

I had as much fun writing it, and I just wish to reply to his query about my thoughts regarding the PPP/C’s Government $10,000 “Because We Care” grants to parents of school children.

Those grants were a budgeted benefit approved by Parliament and much welcomed by all of Guyana’s parents, Indian, African, Amerindian, Chinese and Mixed alike.

It was never a case of President Donald Ramotar or Minister Priya Manickchand handing out charity, including boats named for themselves, to whomsoever they chose. This national benefit was always transparent and fully accounted for in its allocation and distribution to all the parents of children who attended public schools.

Even if Fenty wishes to view it cynically as national bribery, at least the “bribes” were being distributed equitably, and in a country deeply divided by race such equity cannot be easily discredited.

This is in stark contrast to the ad hoc presentation of “gifts” by a Santa Claus president. It’s also as clear as day whose children and which communities are benefitting from the president’s charity.

All skin-teeth and laugh aside, there can be no comparison between the PPP/C Government’s approved grants to all parents and the current style of charitable handouts which are wholly dependent on President David Granger’s personal favour.



Ryhaan Shah

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