BCB extends congratulations to Devendra Bishoo

Devendra Bishoo

The following is the text of a congratulatory message issued by the Berbice Cricket Board on Devendra Bishoo’s elevation to becoming a West Indies player.

The message reads: The president and executive committee of the Berbice Cricket Board would like to extend congratulations to Devendra Bishoo on his selection on the West Indies team for the first Test match at the Providence National Stadium.

Bishoo would become the 15th Berbician to play Test cricket, and the fourth from Albion Sports Club.

The Berbice Cricket Board is proud of Bishoo and his achievements, which are the results of hard work, dedication, and an unbelievable desire for success. As he has already proven at the international level, Bishoo has the potential to become an ‘all-time great’ of the game, and it is the hope of the Berbice Cricket Board that he would remain grounded, despite his success.

Too many of our cricketers in the Caribbean have burst on the scene with success, only to fade quietly in the background. We would like to assure him of the Berbice Cricket Board’s continued co- operation and support in his development, and we would also continue to work hard every day to make sure that many more would follow in his footsteps.

The Berbice Cricket Board would also like to offer congratulations to the Albion Community Centre Cricket Club for the role played in the development of talent for Berbice, Guyana and West Indies. Players like Bishoo, Sewnarine Chattergoon and Narsingh Deonarine are products of this outstanding cricket club, and it is the hope of the Berbice Cricket Board that others would follow its example of always putting cricket first.

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