Barbados newest MP receives ‘royal’ welcome

Ten-year-old Winette Millington pinning a corsage on Mara Thompson's jacket.

Rapturous applause and cries of “queen” greeted Mara Thompson on Tuesday as Barbados’ newest Member of Parliament arrived at the Parliament Buildings to take her seat in the House of Assembly.

Early morning showers did not deter the large number of people who turned out – most of them St John residents – and they were more numerous than those who had assembled for the official opening of Parliament following the 2008 General Elections.

Shortly before the bell sounded to signal the start of the House session at 10 a.m., the newly-elected representative for St John arrived to a warm welcome from parliamentary colleagues John Boyce and Donville Inniss and others waiting outside.

She was accompanied by her daughters Misha, Oya and Osa-Marie who headed inside while their mother, accompanied by Minister of Transport and Works John Boyce, strolled towards the exuberant crowd to acknowledge their greeting. She was then swarmed by onlookers embracing and kissing her.

Asked how she felt about the moment, an elated, yet composed Thompson responded: “It feels good. I really cannot find the words right now . . . Words cannot describe it . . . Much love.”

Barbados Labour Party MP Cynthia Forde also welcomed Thompson’s entry to the House of Assembly, remarking it was a positive thing for women whom Forde felt had a tremendous contribution to make.

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