Banks DIH commissions US$1M waste water treatment plant


Banks DIH Limited on Wednesday commissioned a US$1M waste water treatment Facility at its Caribanks Complex at Public Road, Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

President Bharrat Jagdeo, Chairman of Banks DIH, Clifford Reis, and other top officials of the company and members of the media tour the facility following the commissioning ceremony

Chairman and Managing Director of Banks DIH Limited, Clifford Reis, in highlighting the importance of having such a treatment facility in Guyana, stated that the benefits would see Guyana being boosted tremendously in terms of its annual gross domestic product ( GDP), and the “fishing and shrimping industry” would benefit as well.

“The intention behind this exercise is to protect the environment and to foster a greater awareness of the needs of sustainability. As we take care of today’s needs, there must be a joint responsibility of all parties to ensure that those who come after us would also be able to take care of the future needs,” Reis noted at the opening of the facility.

The partnership between Banks DIH Limited and the Coca-Cola company will ensure that the importance of nurturing the environment is everybody’s business. Reis stressed that “any activity undertaken to put at risk the fishing and shrimping sector’s ability cannot be entertained for any reason.” The environment, he said, is everybody’s concern; and should it be disregarded, that would be done at the peril of those who occupy it.

He added that the new facility will add an intrinsic value to the company’s reputation as “a good corporate citizen, a responsible neighbour.”

Meanwhile, head of state President Bharrat Jagdeo, who gave the feature address, said: “Today represents a shift in the thinking of many local companies.” He added that water management will be critical during this century, and as such, much emphasis must be placed on it. He commended both Coca-Cola and Banks DIH for their collective efforts to bring such a facility to the people of Guyana, taking into consideration the needs of citizens. President Jagdeo noted that scientists have predicted that some eighty per cent of the world’s people will suffer from water shortage. “Water management, or use of water, will be a critical challenge for the future. ” He said, while giving the feature address. Guyana’s head of state emphasised that Guyana has a natural awareness of the environment and the possible harms that could occur therein; making specific reference to the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

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