Banking apprentice succumbs to injuries days after being involved in motorcycle accident

A banking apprentice, attached to the Republic Bank’s Diamond operations, died on Monday morning in the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she had been a patient since last Wednesday.

Eighteen-year-old Keisha Anthony of Lot 62 North Timehri, East Bank Demerara  had reportedly sustained head and body injuries in a motorcycle accident that occurred at Supply, East Bank Demerara last Wednesday as she was returning home.

Her boyfriend, Kenroy London, was taking her home on motorcycle CH 9730, and they were proceeding south along the eastern side of the East Bank public road when London, who allegedly was speeding, lost control of the vehicle and it collided with a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction. That collision had flung Anthony onto the roadway, where she had received injuries about her head and body; while the pedestrian, identified as a 13-year-old of Supply, EBD, had received injuries to his left ankle and lacerations about his body.

It has been alleged that neither Anthony nor London was wearing a helmet at the time of this accident.

Anthony and the teen were rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where they received treatment and were transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital. Anthony has now succumbed to the injuries she had sustained.

Her mother Paulette Anthony said her daughter, the younger of two siblings, had only recently been successful at the CSEC examinations, earning her the attachment at Republic Bank Limited.


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