Baksh commissions Gy$59.5M primary school at Parfaite Harmonie

The Education Ministry on Friday commissioned a new Gy$59.5 million primary school at Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, Region Three as the ministry strengthens the drive to make education accessible to all.

Education Minister Shaik Baksh (right) assists a pupil to cut the ribbon to officially open the Parfaite Harmonie Primary School

The school funded by government with assistance from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), was executed through the Basic Needs Trust Fund.

The school outfitted with modern facilities, houses some 300 pupils, and according to residents, it represents the fulfillment of yet another promise made by government.

Education Minister Shaik Baksh speaking at the commissioning attended by scores of pupils, parents and teachers said the ministry will have to extend the building to cater for the rapidly growing student population. Baksh also pointed out that given the response from parents the ministry will build a nursery school in the community early next year with the hope of opening the facility in September.

The minister commended the region’s continuous improvement at the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) over the past few years, and urged the school’s administrators to work together to make the learning facility a model in the region.

He encouraged teachers to dedicate at least one hour per week to work with weak pupils to improve their educational outcomes.

Baksh also called on teachers to strive to understand the varying backgrounds of their pupils, and exercise patience in addressing their problems.

He stressed too that parents must pay a keen interest in their children’s education and urged that they send their children to school regularly and punctually every day.

The minister noted that the government has been providing school uniforms to students, snacks to pupils at all nursery schools and grades one and two at primary schools, free text and exercise books and is moving to introduce a fund to help poor families send their children to school.

Poverty, he said, must not be an excuse for children not receiving an education, insisting that their education must not be left to chance.

On a different note, the minister implored teachers to set an example by also being regular and punctual at school, and always strive to get the best out of their charges.

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