Bai Shan Lin officials meet President on large scale industrial plans

President Donald Ramotar reviewing business plans presented by Chairman of the China Forest Industry Group Company Ltd Whenze Chu and officials of Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc in the presence of Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud
President Donald Ramotar reviewing business plans presented by Chairman of the China Forest Industry Group Company Ltd Whenze Chu and officials of Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc in the presence of Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud

Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc., the Chinese wood processing company operating in Guyana is looking to move ahead with haste on its large scale industrial plans among which is a wood economic and trade park in Guyana.
Whenze Chu, Chairman of the China Forest Industry Group Company Ltd, the parent company of Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc. that engages in timber harvesting, sale and processing, on Wednesday met President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud for talks in this regard, along with a small delegation.
The park which will occupy five square kilometers and divided into three construction phases will promote production of various kinds of wood products and brands that will boost the development of the local economy, and create employment opportunities according to the company.
While wood processing will be the main feature, the park will also encompass industries for ship building, woodworking, machinery, processing and manufacturing, food and aquatic processing, mining, a school and hospital.
Construction of an international mall and an exhibition centre to showcase finished products manufactured at the Bai Shan Lin plant in Linden and other entrepreneurship ventures are also on the cards.
Providence in the vicinity of the Guyana National Stadium on the East Bank Demerara has been proposed. This area has been flooded with investments so numerous that in the near future will make it part of the urban network.
Along with government’s massive housing drive on the East Bank corridor, numerous investment proposals from international construction companies valued more than US$500M have been advanced.
Guyana’s premier building exposition has created avenues for several local investors and businesses to enter the housing market, and foreign companies from Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, China and the United Kingdom have expressed interest.
One such was the Suriname based China Dalian Investment Corporation Holding (CDICH) Ltd Company which in November last year engaged in talks with the Ministry of Housing and Water on potential investment in the local low-cost housing market within the East Bank Demerara area and Region 3.
In 2011 the construction sector which accounted for 10 percent of Guyana’s gross domestic product, grew by 2.8 percent with the private sector contributing Gy$9B to housing development.
China Forest Industry Group Company Ltd is the parent company for several operations across Guyana including the Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc, Haimorakabra Logging, Karlam South America Timbers, Wood Associated Industries, Kwebanna Wood Productions, Sherwood Forests, Bai Shan Lin Housing, Construction, Mining Development Inc., and Bai Shan Lin Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries Inc.
Chairman Whenze Chu has a 40-year involvement in the timber industry and has accumulated rich experience in this field. In November last year he signed off on a loan with the Chinese Development Bank for the forestry project in Guyana in the presence of Guyana’s Ambassador to China Dr David Dabydeen.

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