Bai-Shan-Lin not allowed to do what it wants in Guyana – Trotman

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has already begun seizing company assets belonging to Chinese logging company, Bai-Shan-Lin over taxes owed to the State.

During a post-cabinet press briefing on Wednesday, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman stated that the Chinese company is no longer being given the privilege of doing what it wants in Guyana.

 According to Minister Trotman, there has been no shipment of logs out of the country by Bai-Shan-Lin and GRA has already written an assessment and made a demand for the taxes which it owes.

 “The GRA has gone ahead to take what equipment they could find.”

 In relation to whether the APNU+AFC coalition is maintaining a relationship with the logging company regardless of it not delivering on its end of the contract that it had inked while the former administration was in power, Trotman stated, “I can’t agree that it is a business as normal arrangement. That is not the case.”

 It should be noted that a state-owned Chinese company has bought 51 per cent of the shares in Bai-Shan-Lin and it is expected fully take over operations of the logging company within a few months.

 Meanwhile, a team from the Chinese company is expected in Guyana sometime next month to meet with Guyanese government officials.

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