Back scratching

Bottom feeders

The PNC held its General Council Meeting (GCM) – but it was more of a back-scratching exercise – and then some! Corbin scratched Granger’s back, but when it was Granger’s turn, he went quite south on Corbin. Disgusting! And all the while, Vincent Alexander, the man who had mounted the most credible challenge against Corbin but fell to the machinations of the sycophants, sat poignantly in the audience.

It was exquisite poetic justice that Aubrey Norton, who had sided with Corbin to oust Alexander and his team, was left out of the parliamentary delegation. Norton brought his gripes to the GCM, but was sandbagged by his old co-conspirators. Demerara Waves had reported there was a ‘confrontation’ between Norton and Corbin. The young PNC whippersnapper PR, Ramsay, sought to refute the report but revealingly announced that Norton was not “allowed to confront the party leader”. The operative phrase is “not allowed”!

It seems that “allegations were raised by Mr Norton and those were put to rest by Mr Corbin.” Wasn’t it Orwell who informed us that in the totalitarian dystopia of “1984”, “Lies are truth. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength”? You have to give the PNC credit: it’s doing its darnest to return totalitarianism to Guyana – but it’s practising it first internally!

Faith Harding had claimed there were all kinds of stunts pulled by Corbin to have his hand-picked nominee Granger selected as the PNC’s presidential nominee. Unfortunately, she was not present to remind the back scratchers, brown-nosers and boot lickers of their betrayal. Greenidge, who ‘lost’ by a mere 15 votes to Granger, also seemed to be absent. Guess it was a RSVP event. Corbin and Granger railed against “factionalism”! They know of what they speak. Evidently without any sense of irony, Granger, as if in irrefutable proof that the PNC was “lawful and not lawless” pointed out dramatically: “its past and current leaders were, and is, attorneys”!!


Talking about “scum-sucking bottom feeders”, Mayor Hamilton Green hit the press to deny he had ‘race’ on his mind when he questioned monies spent to prepare the site for the specialist hospital. Green obviously thinks that Guyanese are all morons or have been dropped from Mars without any knowledge of the coded language of Guyanese politics.

Back in December, Green, also a member of the executive of the PNC, in reference to the “specialist hospital to be staffed by nationals from India, slyly wondered about “this move for some sort of re-colonisation? Those of us old enough will remember the effort by the PPP in the early 1960s to bring in a large number of persons from the Communist State of Kerala in India. Is this a retooling of that plan?”

Doctors to staff a 250-bed hospital – at most probably a few dozens – the bridgehead for “re-colonisation”? Who’s Green kidding. He knows the racial/ ethnic fears that drive politics in Guyana. He should – he helped create them in the 1960s. It was a cold, cynical, and calculated provocation by the old PNC strongman to raise the temperature at a time when APNU was still checking SOPs, arguing that the elections were rigged.

Will no one rid us of this pestilential, fossilised pustule? When are we going to have local government elections?

Mark of the beast

The nature of the fascist AFC is inevitably being revealed as events unfold. The support from the diaspora has dried up, with the total abandonment of their promised parliamentary representation. Sase “Thunderbolt” Singh and Tarron “Donkey Cart” are no longer heard from. Now their national executive and RDC member from Region Two has resigned. Seems that new councillors are all friends of the AFC leaders!

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