Attorney says smear campaign launched against former GuySuCo CEO

Attorney  Sase Gunraj
Sase Gunraj

Attorney Sase Gunraj says that attempts are afoot to tarnish the character and good standing of his client, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), Dr Rajendra Singh.

In a release on Friday, Gunraj stated that certain sections of the media, aided and abetted by “certain” elements in the hierarchy of GuySuCo, have launched a vicious and libelous smear campaign against his client. He noted that even his successor, recently appointed Chairman of the Board, Professor Clive Thomas has joined the bandwagon.

“It is obvious that this campaign is intended to force my client to withdraw legal proceedings filed by him against GuySuCo regarding his contract of employment which guarantees him a five-year contract of service with GuySuCo,” the attorney-at-law outlined.

Gunraj pointed out that his client’s contract was arrogantly and arbitrarily terminated. The Attorney further stated that the architects of this “vindictive design” have now exposed the Sugar Corporation to pay compensation to his client to the tune of several million Guyana dollars.

Former CEO of GuySuCo, Dr Rajendra Singh
Former CEO of GuySuCo, Dr Rajendra Singh

Moreover, the Attorney stated that to date, GuySuCo has failed to file a defence to legal proceedings filed by his client yet they have “the time and energy to engage in further encroachment of my client’s legal rights, thereby, exposing the Corporation to even greater legal liabilities”.

Gunraj detailed that one such libel was carried in a recent article by Kaieteur News’ edition of September 4, 2015, concerning the importation of a used 2003 vehicle by Dr. Rajendra Singh, former CEO of the Guyana Sugar Corporation.

The article states “extremely reliable sources have informed this newspaper that there is a provision within Dr Singh’s contract with GuySuCo which allows him to be exempt from duties for another vehicle. But this came with a condition”.

According to Attorney Gunraj, Singh’s contract does not contain any such provision which requires the Board to make any request for exemption of duty. In fact, he explained that his client made a request to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) for certain duty free concessions, for which he was contractually entitled.

“He provided GRA with a copy of his contract which included the provision for duty exemption for the vehicle. Quoting the relevant sections of the laws governing the exemption from duty, the GRA then issued a letter to Dr Singh dated March 31, 2015 for the 12-year-old used vehicle to be exempted from duty,” Gunraj noted.

The Attorney went on to say that the approval letter was copied to the Agriculture Minister and other relevant officers of the GRA. He further sought to clarify that Dr Singh has applied to GRA for permission to export the vehicle back to the USA.

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