Attorney General should stand strong

Dear Editor,

The political Pharisees opposed to the Government of Guyana are dancing in a circle of hypocrisy.

Thanks to Guyana’s new political dispensation which has unveiled the mask of those who want to be in control of Guyana’s Governance by trying all sorts of dirty machinations, which have, so far, failed and will continue to miserably fail.

And in this regard, the people of Guyana are saying that they will not forget the past which is prior to October 1992, because they do not want poverty, misery and darkness to return to Guyana which they endured painfully under the past and illegal PNC Government.

I read the comments by the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA); Guyana Bar Association (GBA); and the Guyana Women Lawyers’ Association (GWLA) in relation to the cellphone-manipulated conversation between the Attorney General (AG) and a Senior Kaieteur News Reporter where they are calling unjustifiably for the AG to resign.

They are inclined towards the political Opposition which is crumbling. But in like fashion the GHRA, GBA and GWLA must also strongly call on the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) to resign from the GBA and the AFC for the usage of vulgar expletives when a reporter tried to interview him.

It seems, therefore, that when anyone in the political Opposition makes a public blunder, it is definitely not a problem, but when a Government functionary is alleged to have made a mistake, the anti-Government sections of the media and the political Opposition blow it out of proportion.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Persaud

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