Attaining a PhD from a reputable university is commendable

Dear Editor,
Our congratulations to Irfaan Ali, now Dr Ali, on his accomplishment in attaining an earned doctorate from a very reputable University of the West Indies (UWI). I was one of those who was not pleased with explanations about his qualifications, but Dr Ali’s accomplishment has erased all such doubts.
The UWI has very high standards, probably higher than most American universities. So the award of a PhD to Dr Ali has removed all questions about his qualifications. This now puts to rest the spurious criticisms of Dr Ali’s detractors questioning his credentials.
A friend who has a high position in the Government service said to me that Dr Ali was quite an effective and efficient Minister who eschewed backward governmental rules. He spoke highly of Minister Ali’s stewardship as a Minister.
Truth be told, the PPP’s housing programme was the most progressive and the single most important accomplishment of the PPP regime. It was a model within Caricom and the Third World. No one can deny that he PPP’s years in power saw the most house lots awarded to a wide cross-section of the Guyanese community all over the country regardless of race or party affiliation. And much of that progress in housing and water was under Minister Ali.
The PNC now having control of all the Government, legal, law enforcement, and coercive apparatus of the State, is using these State entities such as SOCU to demonise the Opposition with spurious charges, all of which have failed so far. While the PNC excuses itself saying “it’s a Cabinet decision,” it has brought trumped-up charges against Ali for actions taken on decisions by the PPP’s Cabinet. Granger pardoned and absolved Minister Jordan against a court order saying he is not liable for something he did as a Minister, but they have laid charges against Ali for acts approved by Cabinet. The PNC knows that Ali will not be convicted of wrongdoing, but that the damage to him is the demonisation process to sully him as a presidential candidate. Same thing with Mr Nandlall being accused of a silly charge of stealing law books. Watch how karma will catch up with the PNC after they lose the election in 2020.

Jerry Singh

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