Attacks on the Opposition seek to justify Govt’s corruption, incompetence and failures

Dear Editor,
The massive crowds converging at all the venues where the Leader of the Opposition kept his community and public meetings speak volumes of his growing popularity as the true leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Not only members, supporters but a growing number of Guyanese from other political parties are now being converted. They have great confidence that he will deliver this country once again on the path to social and economic development. They have seen what the People’s National Congress-dominated Government can do in just over three years!
What is the secret to this growing popularity of the PPP? Undoubtedly, Jagdeo is not only charismatic but his intellect and acute analysis on micro- and macro-economic realities and his ability to formulate and deliver sound economic policies is unparalleled.
The people of Guyana wait expectantly on him to deliver his weekly trade mark press conferences which not only bringto the fore the many failed policies of the coalition Government but highlights their inability to run the affairs of this country and their penchant for corruption and squandering. If only the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) can take a page out of his book! But no, their venomous attacks on him and the PPP seek to justify their corruption, incompetence and many failures!
Imagine the PPP leader went to Linden and attracted an unprecedentedly huge crowd at a Local Government Election campaign. The AFC had bragged that they will outperform the APNU in Linden, but it seems that their main contender is the PPP. They should now rethink that conclusion. Fortunately, this foretells not only the growing support for the PPP, but it is an indication that the APNU/AFC coalition will never be able to regain power at the 2020 General Elections. Their days are numbered. They have desperately failed to deliver to the people to whom they shamelessly promised the ‘good life’ and those people are now doing the delivering!
What have Nagamootoo and Ramjattan delivered to the people, especially those in Berbice? Nagamootoo is so deathly afraid to keep a community meeting in the village of Whim where he was born, although he bribed them with a road and a few streetlights. He had to keep a poorly attended PTA meeting at Auchlyne Primary, the school he attended as a kid. It is a personal insult to him that on that same day, his nemesis Jagdeo kept a bottom house meeting at Whim where more than 300 persons attended. His regular ‘bottom house’ meeting is by his brother’s residence by the roadside next to a rum shop. It was just a few weeks ago that 50 residents from the Whim/Bloomfield LAA signed affidavits to have their names removed from the AFC backers’ form. Such is his popularity in his village!
Nagamootoo had gone there personally with his team to ensure that they could at least influence some of his family and friends to support the AFC. He had failed in his quest and called the people ‘namak haram’ (ungrateful), reminding them of the few street lights and the road to the Hindu temple. What a hypocrite! He had blasted the PPP for using State resources to campaign at elections.
The same happened at Ramjattan’s village. He used the CPG Liaison Officer to fill out backers’ form for the AFC and the same fraudulent exercise occurred. There were scores of people who swore to affidavits that they did not sign these backers’ forms and a dead person and some persons who have migrated also signed.
The AFC and its partner, the APNU should now realise that ‘good life’ and ‘fit and proppa’ have already been transformed into the overused cliché category and the marketing appeal has long been lost. These terms may very well be classified as ‘obscenities’ by the poor and impoverished people, the small man who accounts for 80 per cent of the population.

Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf

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