Attack on Chinese is an attack on all Guyanese

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has noted with grave concern the sustained and calculated attacks by the Opposition and two media houses, namely the Stabroek News and Kaieteur News, perpetrated on foreign investors, especially those of Chinese origin.

The party is convinced that these targeted attacks are directed at the Chinese people in spite of their industrious predisposition, which is evident throughout the world.

This industrious nature of the Chinese people has redounded beneficially to the economies of many nations and has impacted positively on the lives of many. Our party wishes to remind the Opposition, the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News that we live in a multi-ethnic society with our peoples cohabiting in harmony, sharing and celebrating each other’s cultures and traditions.

This is evident through all of our national festivals, everyday way of life and events that serve to bring our people together.

The Chinese remain an integral part of Guyana country’s identity, sharing common bonds of indenturehip with other ethnic groups. Their contributions to our nation since setting foot on these shores, like all others, have been immeasurable and invaluable.

As we are all aware, the Chinese who have made this land their home are Guyanese first and foremost. Those Chinese who have demonstrated confidence and the will to contribute to the development of Guyana must be encouraged and must not be victims of hostile political and media propaganda, bordering on xenophobia.

Our party believes that an attack on one ethnic group is an attack on all Guyanese. We call for an immediate halt to such unwarranted attacks which run counter to the hospitable characteristic our nation and can only damage and disgrace our motto of “One People, One Nation, One Destiny”.

Moreover, these attacks are in blatant contradiction to the call for investments. There must be no discrimination against Chinese investors. The Opposition, the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News have persistently accused the PPP/C Administration of not doing enough to encourage foreign investors which according to them is badly needed to create jobs and bolster the economy.

During the last election campaign, the Opposition spared no effort to convince Guyanese that foreign investors would be welcomed were they to be elected to office and that the PPP/C Government has not done enough to make Guyana an investment hub.

True to their nature and attempts at hoodwinking the nation, the Opposition has not only endeavoured to discourage and chase away foreign investors, they have whipped up media frenzy and a conduit for such attacks. The Kaieteur News willingly agreed to be the hand maiden of the political Opposition’s campaign.

Guyanese must remain cognisant of the numerous attempts by the Opposition pre- and post-“mo-fyah, slow fire” era to destabilise this nation, stymie business enthusiasm and bring harm to the economy.

As regards the Bai Shan Lin issue, the Opposition and Kaieteur News’ constant attacks, the PPP/C stands guided by the pronouncements of the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), which reiterated that the company has not exceeded its harvest level and that their operations confirm to guidelines based on international best practices and conservative extraction.

In this context, we call on the Kaieteur News’ and the Opposition’s unfounded, unwarranted and profit circulation oriented attacks on Bai Shan Lin to work toward encouraging foreign investments to invest in our country so that all our people would benefit from the related economic prosperity.

In this now global competitive environment, our country can afford nothing less than all hands on deck in an effort to create and secure a brighter future for all.

Our party remains committed to this cause and urge Guyanese to reject all attempts to disparage any ethnic group and to deter much needed foreign investments for our country.

 Submitted by,

PPP/C, Freedom House

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