At 26, Dr Ian Japan is Guyana’s Youngest Endodonist

The Jagan Dental Centre proudly welcomes back to its team, Dr Ian Jagan, after completing his masters degree in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics from the Dr D.Y.Patil School of Dentistry in Navi Mumbai, India.
At twenty-six Dr Ian Jagan is currently the only certified, registered and permanently residing endodontist in Guyana and is the youngest dental specialist in Guyana’s history. This field of dentistry specialises in the saving teeth through treatment and procedures relating to the internal structures of the tooth that is root canal therapy and other such procedures.
Dr Ian Jagan is among the third generation of dental professionals in his family, his grandfather was a dental technician, his father Dr Clive Jagan is an established dentist with over forty years of experience, and his two older brothers are also dentists; Dr Shane Jagan is a general dentist and Dr Kyle Jagan specialises in dental implants and laser dentistry. Together with their father, they own and operate The Jagan Dental Centre, a state of the art dental facility at the corner of Lamaha and Light Streets.
When asked why he pursued a career in dentistry, Dr Ian noted that he was always fascinated with dentistry because of his father. As a young boy he would visit his father’s clinic and would enjoy watching him work and interact with patients.
“I would beam with pride when people came up to my dad and thanked him for helping them and it was in those moments that I knew I wanted to pursue a career where my service would help others. For me there was no alternative option, my goal was to become a dentist.”

Dr Ian Jagan (right) with his father Dr Clive Jagan ( second left) and brothers Dr Shane Jagan (left) and Dr Kyle Jagan (second right)

Dr Ian obtained his Primary education at Mae’s Under 12, School of the Nations and ABC Academy after which he successfully gained admission to St Joseph’s High School which he attended from 2003-2008. He then moved to Canada and completed his 12th grade studies and at the age of seventeen, he was admitted to the Dr D.Y. Patil School of Dentistry and moved to India. Moving half way across the world and away from the comforts of home was not easy, but studying in India had become a family tradition, his father and both of his brothers completed their dental studies there.
“The experience was like no other” he said, “to be immersed in the culture was both beautiful and humbling and to study alongside my brothers was most rewarding, it has strengthened our bond as brothers and as colleagues.”
In 2014, Dr Ian graduated with a Bachelor ’s Degree in Dental Surgery, returned to Guyana, and joined his father and brothers in the family practice. It was during this time that he observed the need for quality endodontic treatment and with encouragement from family and friends he decided to specialize in endodontics.
In 2015, he returned to the Dr D.Y.Patil School of Dentistry to pursue his master’s degree in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and will be graduating in March 2019 with the gold medal award for his outstanding performance in both the theoretical and practical components of the program.
Dr Ian credits his success thus far to his parents and siblings, “they have been my pillars of support through every goal I have set for myself. My mentors at university gave me the guidance and exposure I needed to build my confidence in the field and excel and my friends made India feel like my home away from home.”
While Dr Ian knows that hard work is critical for success, he strongly believes in a balance, work hard, play hard. The young dentist values spending quality time with his family and friends and is passionate about cricket. He was a member of the Georgetown Cricket Club and participated in numerous university tournaments while in India.
“Cricket has taught me how to learn from both my losses and victories and the importance of teamwork.”
He is keen on applying these very principles as he joins his brothers at their family practice, “at the Jagan Dental Centre we recognise the value of working as a team together with our patients to ensure long term optimal oral health.”
Dr Ian is eager to start building his dental career in Guyana and together with his brothers and team at the Jagan Dental Centre, is committed to providing and maintaining modern high quality dental services. Dr Ian is grateful for the opportunity to contribute towards the development of dental health in Guyana and hopes to not only provide dental services but to share his knowledge and skills with students pursuing dentistry as a career. He hopes to one-day leave a mark on his patients and the dental profession much like his father has done. (Sunday Times Magazine)

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