Arti Cameron ends reign as Miss Guyana World – says she is still committed to her charitable work

Arti Cameron has recently completed her reign after two active years as Miss Guyana World 2011-2012, and now joins a growing elite list of former queens who have represented Guyana at the prestigious Miss World pageant.
Miss Cameron expresses profuse gratitude to all who have contributed to her successes during her extended reign, including her team, Guyanese and international fans, sponsors, designers, and the media. 309350_505397389476530_1943198464_n.preview
She also expresses special thanks to the 2011 Miss Guyana World Committee that had worked tirelessly to hold a well-organized pageant consisting of high caliber contestants. Miss Cameron feels that the high quality of each contestant and their talent and tenacity in healthy competition were the best test she could have had prior to representing Guyana on the world stage.
The current plans of the former queen involve continuing her pursuit of a career in medicine, and she is currently preparing to write a standardized admission test required by medical schools in the United States. She also plans to continue supporting Guyana, in every way she can, in her capacity as ‘self-appointed ambassador’ for her homeland (a title she had attributed to herself long before she had captured the Miss Guyana World crown).
“I wanted to win this crown partly because it would have given me more leverage to do the things I was already doing to help others,” she said.
The 2012 Title Holder will continue her quest to empower others as opportunities present themselves and will add this to the charities she already supports such as the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre in Georgetown, Guyana.
Miss Cameron, who has seen three franchise holders/organisers during her two-year tenure as a reigning queen, has extended congratulations and best wishes to the new franchise holder, Natasha Martindale. Miss Cameron has also extended congratulations and her very best wishes to her Miss Guyana World 2011 pageant mate, Ruqayyah Boyer, who has been selected and has begun her reign as Miss Guyana World 2013.
“I have extended the same goodwill to Miss Boyer that has been extended to me by my predecessor in keeping with the tradition of succession,” said the former queen.
The official end of Miss Cameron’s reign came as of July 1, 2013. “I was eager to end my reign appropriately after two years; and I’m happy that my successor is one of my 2011 pageant mates.”
In the highly rated, well-organized Miss Guyana World 2011 pageant, Miss Cameron had won three of the four sectional prizes, namely, Best Gown, Miss Body Beautiful, and Miss Photogenic. Then while at Miss World 2012, she was a Sports Finalist and had won The People’s Choice Award powered by Missosology. In addition, the then reigning queen had amassed a massive 7,500 Likes on the official “Miss World Guyana” Facebook page which is now inherited by Miss Boyer–a major plus for Guyana!
“I’m thankful to God for the blessing of fulfilling my childhood dream of being “Miss Guyana” and I will always be interested in my Motherland doing well on every international stage. Once again, my deepest gratitude to everyone who has made my reign the success it has been. And best wishes to the new queen,” Cameron added.

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