Arti Cameron could be the one to give Guyana an international beauty queen title

Dear Editor,

I am not a fan of pageantry in Guyana because I feel our models need to do much more if they are to adequately represent our country at international beauty pageants. However, I must admit that I was impressed with the recently crowned Miss Guyana World 2011, Arti Cameron. She came over to me as a candidate that will be a force to reckon with at the highest level of competition.

I did not go to the pageantry, as I was not interested.

But when I listened to Arti’s first interview after the pageant, which was done by Joel Ghansham, I was awed and proud at the same time. Hence I was driven to learn more about her. She is 22 years old and is an aspiring medical doctor. She recently completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Arts and Sciences (majored in Biology and minored in Chemistry).

Editor, I am not surprised that Arti was the favourite, as she dominated the competition. Apart from winning the crown, she walked away with three of the four special prizes in the competition – Miss Body Beautiful, Best Gown and Miss Photogenic. She was voted Miss Photogenic by online supporters.

Further, I strongly support gender equality and women’s empowerment, so I was extremely pleased that the final question was related to these issues; and I was happy that Arti gave a wise and realistic answer. The question was: ‘what can men do to empower women?’ and her response was that men could play a supportive role to women and encourage other men to promote equal opportunity for men and women.

Editor, allow me to congratulate Arti on winning the Miss Guyana World 2011 title, and to wish her all the best in London, where she would compete with beauties from around the world on November 6, 2011. I believe she could be the one to place Guyana on the world stage again, as Shakira Baksh did so many years ago.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Munroe

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