Armed bandits rob male sex workers

Ranks on patrol duty Tuesday night arrested a suspect after he was found in possession of a motorcycle that was minutes before stolen from two male sex workers.
Guyana Times International understands that the sex workers were seated on the motorcycle at the corner of Croal Street and Orange Walk, Georgetown when they were suddenly pounced upon by four armed males, who pulled up in a motor car.
The bandits relieved the victims of their valuables, including the motorcycle and their cellphones. However, during their escape bid, one of the bandits was disarmed by the two sex workers of a .32 pistol, which was loaded with five live rounds.
The incident was reported and patrol ranks who were in the vicinity of the Bourda Market, responded swiftly and pursued the 24-year-old suspect, who was eventually arrested on Camp Street with the victims’ motorcycle.
He was positively identified by the sex workers and is cooperating with investigators. Meanwhile, the weapon that was taken away from the bandits was also handed over to the Police by the victims.

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