Appreciation Day for President Jagdeo set for September 16

Friday, September 16, 2011 has been dedicated as a Day of Appreciation for His Excellency Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Guyanese from all walks of life, along with friends of Guyana will come together in one accord on this day to celebrate the achievements of President Jagdeo.

President Bharrat Jagdeo

Setting new precedent, the appreciation comes while the President is still in Office. It should be remembered that it was President Jagdeo who signed into law changes to the Constitution limiting the term of office for the Head of State. He will be one of the first in the Caribbean to gracefully demit office because of his signing into law the constitutional term limit.

Bharrat Jagdeo’s contributions to Guyana’s development and that of the region are unmatched.

September 16 will see thousands converging on the Guyana National Stadium for an evening of reflection and celebration saturated with pomp and ceremony.

Parachutes from the Guyana Defence Force, Gymkhana stunts from the Guyana Police Force, Renditions from the Joint Services’ Choir and presentations by all ethnic and religious groups are expected to be part of the program.

President Bharrat Jagdeo was born on 23rd January, 1964 in the village of Unity on the East Coast of Demerara. He entered public service as a teacher and subsequently joined Guyana’s State Planning Secretariat in 1990. After the restoration of democracy in Guyana in 1992, President Jagdeo became the Junior Minister of Finance one year later. Rapid promotion ensued, and President Jagdeo became Senior Minister of Finance in 1995. While Minister of Finance, the President led the production of Guyana’s National Development Strategy. After the retirement of former President Janet Jagan, Mr. Jagdeo was appointed as Guyana’s President in 1999. Aged 35, he was one of the youngest Heads of Government in the world.

The Organizing Committee for the President’s Day of Appreciation can be contacted on Tele: 592-225-5564 or email:

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