Apologise and get on with the important matter of education

Dear Editor,

Education Minister Priya Manickchand needs to apologise to the offending former parliamentarian so that we can get on with the important business of education that the Minister is so enthusiastic to bring to a waiting people.

We can ill afford the time wasting that the Opposition is well trained for – they are into the wasting of taxpayers’ money in an endless circus that this parliament has become – so apologise and let’s move on.

In my humble opinion the Education Minister needs to make an apology to Mr Jaipaul Sharma for embarrassing him by exposing his father’s alleged deeds. I want the honourable Minister to put that in all the flowery language that the English Language affords and with all the finesse a trained attorney can muster.

The Opposition asked for an apology and an apology they’ll get. They can’t tell her what to say in her apology or how to best craft her missive, but I warn you, be prepared for the onslaught when she makes her presentation.

Then when it’s my turn to speak they will have to be silent and civil in their behaviour when I will make mention of some serious matters of rape and sodomy.

For the record this is an area that falls under the jurisdiction of the honourable Minister, that is the protection of the rights of the child, so, I will broaden the scope of my presentation to include acts of child molestation where young boys are concerned.

It is a well known fact where grown men go around driving in heavily tinted windows soliciting sex from hapless street children. As the story goes one “prominent citizen” shot someone and wounded him when he failed to comply with his sexual desires.

Yet another, he has a supermarket where most of his employees are “boys” and sure enough he prides himself in saying that he is landing jobs for the nation’s underprivileged youths.

But talk to the “boys” there and you get the true picture of a perverted man who is known to having orgies with his male workers. This is the Guyana we live in.

I had the privilege in raising this conversation with a devout PNC/APNU devotee – mentioning names and all which I cannot do here – about the horrible skeletons they have in their cupboards.

He was quick to respond with names in Government circles with deviant behaviour also. Of one of the names he mentioned, I responded with the statement about where he learnt his sexual perversions.

Further to it, the individual in question was 17 years old; so technically he cannot be called a paedophile. But, be that as it may all of them are in the same bracket none better than the other.

You see, the Opposition is quick to point an accusing finger when it is someone on the Government side, but when it happens to be members of their own party they become fiercely defensive, rant, rave and demand apologies. They suddenly lose their minds and act stupid.

They’ve asked for it and they will get it a real dirty discussion on closeted matters that should not have been exposed in the first place but seeing it is in the open let us take off our shoes and get down in the gutter…together.

The English proverb says “those in glass houses must not throw stones” this is what the Opposition needs to know, but I’d rather put it in Guyanese creole “dem tory real dutty over deh oh.”


Neil Adams


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