APNU/AFC coalition leading a campaign of disrespect

Dear Editor,

The PPP/C has a proud and accomplished record in Government since it heralded the return of our beloved country to globally acceptable democratic norms in 1992.

In this regard, we have graciously accepted the invitation for a public Presidential debate from the Private Sector Commission. Our Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar is ready and rearing to lay the progressive agenda bare before the Guyanese people and secure their confidence and mandate for yet another term of governance under the PPP/C.

We are however dismayed at the extant development with regards to the impending debate. The PPP/C rejects the ongoing vile attacks against women candidates of our party, especially our Prime Ministerial Candidate through the daily newspaper letters and articles campaign being managed by the Opposition.

These articles are disrespectful to women in the public service and show disregard to mothers, wives, and daughters who want to give service to our country.

This campaign of disrespect commenced with the most repugnant utterances from Moses Nagamooto against our Prime Ministerial candidate Elisabeth Harper during the Whim rally, held by the APNU/AFC coalition, and has since been well orchestrated by the opposition’ campaign machinery along the same vein.

The women of the PPP/C, while not intimidated, will not allow themselves to be disrespected by the Opposition and their surrogates.

It is for this reason that we view a public debate with Moses Nagamootoo as inappropriate, as he himself has been disrespectful and vile against Ms Harper and has shown no inclination to reverse or change this unacceptable course. The women of the PPP/C demand respect and equal treatment from those who present themselves as an alternative.

Under these circumstances, we wish to state emphatically that the APNU/AFC coalition’s demands for us to open Ms Harper further to the bitter, rude and unbridled venom of disrespect from Moses Nagamooto in a Prime Ministerial debate is reprehensible.

We reject this demand and wish to state unambiguously, that our party will not attempt to dignify the callous contempt with which Moses Nagamootoo has sought to ridicule Ms Harper and the personal hurtful and painful experiences of domestic violence she has exposed to the populace; with her participation in a debate with him.

We have also noted that the coalition is attempting to include the proposed Prime Ministerial debate as conditionality for the execution of the hitherto agreed Presidential Debate.

Our Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar stands ready to our commitment for a Presidential debate without any new conditions.

As we prepare to face the electorate for the sixth consecutive time, albeit this time not of our own making, we have approached our campaign with strength of experience and in all confidence that our party is the only one in the race holding the high moral authority to present a performance record for scrutiny, knowing well that we can defend this record in any place or forum and in the face of any credible and dignified challenge.


Freedom House

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