APNU urges Berbicians to vote for a change

By Michael Itwaru

Partnership for National Unity (APNU) prime ministerial candidate Dr Rupert Roopnaraine has urged supporters of the coalition to vote the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) out of office, calling for an electoral revolt on polling day.

Roopnaraine was at the time addressing hundreds of supporters at the party’s rally in Corriverton last Saturday night. He said November 28 — Election Day would be the first anniversary of the multiracial revolt against oppression.

“One of the first things on our agenda has to be the complete reform of the police and judicial system …”

He told supporters that APNU will act and restore the dignity of the people of this nation. APNU’s polling agents were also urged to stay vigilant on Election Day to ensure transparency.

He said based on his travels across the country, he senses strongly that people want change because when the PPP/C came into office, it declared war against the teaching profession, the labour unions and public servants.

He added that teachers depart the country in hordes, leaving behind a teaching work force that is untrained and not geared for the job.

David Granger (right) and Dr Rupert Roopnaraine (left) with Denton Osbourne at the APNU rally at Corriverton

Granger’s solution to the teaching “woes” is offering better wages, benefits and overall improved treatment in the profession. “We will make the Corentyne an education region again by giving you teachers, by giving you schools, by giving you an education system of which you can be proud… We want our children to be educated … we want our children to stay here in Guyana and develop this country… I promise you, Corriverton, that every child is going to get transport to go to school… we’ll make sure that every child has the resources to complete his or her primary education.” Granger told his supporters that APNU has the plan to build an economy to employ people, and once given the opportunity, will turn the country around, reducing poverty and destitution.

On the issue of security, Granger declared that APNU would make living and working in Guyana safe and secure, especially for the fishers.

He stated that APNU intends to investigate all the crimes that have not received full attention from this government, like the massacres at Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek.

GYC joins platform

Meanwhile, leader of the Guyanese Youth Congress (GYC) of Linden, Denton Osbourne announced his support for APNU. Speaking to this publication after the rally, the Lindener explained that after considering the invitation from the AFC and recently APNU, he decided that on the homestretch to regional and general elections, the GYC would take the option to become equal partners with APNU.

The decision was the culmination of deliberations among the party’s rank and file which felt that GYC partnering with APNU would be better off than to signing up with the AFC. “We asked what they would have us do … we told them of the two invitations… the majority of the people told us, that if we go to these elections alone, they would support us… but if we joining anybody they would rather that we join the APNU,” Osbourne said.

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