APNU takes offence with PPP’s “we must never go back there” TV ad

Opposition coalition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) has objected to an election campaign advertisement by the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

David Granger

In a statement on November 4, APNU said that the PPP/C TV ad that juxtaposes the enthusiastic supporters of APNU jostling to lift its presidential candidate, Brigadier (ret) David Granger, on Nomination Day with one of rioting is dangerous.

“The fact that the PPP uses its unrestricted state media and other media time to play and replay these images and other images of the past, under the call ‘We must never go back there’ is a dangerous … attempt to drive fear into the minds of all people,” APNU said. “Sadly, a government that boasts of its 19 years of achievement is unable to portray its much touted ‘achievements’ but, driven by panic, has to resort to this dangerous practice.”

The member parties and organisations within APNU are not afraid of a genuine examination of the brutal violence of the past in this country, including the awful violence of recent years in which Guyanese were victims. “We acknowledge all of the suffering of Guyanese citizens, as a consequence of the murders and the extra-judicial killings of Guyanese.”

“A Partnership for National Unity is more than the sum of its parts. It is a new entity here to usher in a new accountability and a new responsibility. We do not need to hang our electoral quest on the peg of racial fear and racial incitement.” The coalition grouping said that the PPP has governed for 19 continuous years, and as such, they should not be afraid to let their record speak for them” the statement added.

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