APNU takes election campaign to burial ground

Minister Annette Ferguson speaking at the funeral

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition has taken its political campaigning to one of the most sombre occasions – a funeral.
A video was trending on social media showing Minister within the Communities Ministry, Annette Ferguson, speaking at a burial service somewhere in the Pomeroon-Supenaam Region.
While the video has caused outrage on social media, it also became the source of comedic jabs since the Minister, who has responsibility over the housing sector, had to be corrected after she called the deceased by the wrong name – not once but twice.
“As I came in this afternoon, I was informed of the many developments that this Government would have made since taking office. So, once Brother James (she was then corrected it was in fact Raymond not James) …Once Raymond was alive, I know that come March 2, 2020, he would have been voting solidly for the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change.”
In wrapping up her brief message, Ferguson went on to tell mourners at the burial ground that they have seen the many changes in not only their lives and communities but by extension, the entire nation.
“So, once again, I want to say to each and every one of you, who will be voting on the 2nd of March, 2020 to vote for A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change. Brother Raymond (as she had to be reminded about one minute later) may your soul rest in peace and may you raise in glory.”
It is unclear how the Minister got to be at the man’s funeral and efforts to contact her on Sunday for clarity and a comment were futile.

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